Chh.Shivaji Maharaj information in marathi and english

Chhatrapati Shivaji

Name: Shivaji Bhonsle
Date of Birth: February 19, 1630
Birthplace: Shivneri Fort, Pune district, Maharashtra
Parents: Shahaji Bhonsle (Father) and Jijabai (Mother)
Reign: 1674–1680
Spouse: Saibai, Soyarabai, Putalabai, Sakvarbai, Laxmibai, Kashibai
Children: Sambhaji, Rajaram, Sakhubai Nimbalkar, Ranubai Jadhav, Ambikabai Mahadik, Rajkumaribai Shirke
Religion: Hinduism
Death: April 3, 1680
Seat of Power: Raigad Fort, Maharashtra
Successor: Sambhaji Bhonsle
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Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj was the founder of the Maratha Empire in western India. He is considered to be one of the greatest warriors of his time and even today, stories of his exploits are narrated as a part of the folklore. With his valor and great administrative skills, Shivaji carved out an enclave from the declining Adilshahi sultanate of Bijapur. It eventually became the genesis of the Maratha Empire. After establishing his rule, Shivaji implemented a competent and progressive administration with the help of a disciplined military and well-established administrative set-up. Shivaji is well-known for his innovative military tactics that centered around non-conventional methods leveraging strategic factors like geography, speed, and surprise to defeat his more powerful enemies.
Childhood & Early Life
Shivaji Bhosle was born on February 19, 1630 to Shahaji Bhosle and Jijabai in the fort of Shivneri, near the city of Junnar of the Pune district. Shivaji’s father Shahaji was in service of the Bijapuri Sultanate - a tripartite association between Bijapur, Ahmednagar, and Golconda, as a general. He also owned a Jaigirdari near Pune. Shivaji’s mother Jijabai was the daughter of Sindkhed leader Lakhujirao Jadhav and a deeply religious woman. Shivaji was especially close to his mother who instilled in him a strict sense of right and wrong. Since Shahaji spent most of his time outside of Pune, the responsibility of overseeing Shivaji’s education rested on the shoulders of a small council of ministers which included a Peshwa (Shamrao Nilkanth),a Mazumdar (Balkrishna Pant), a Sabnis (Raghunath Ballal), a Dabir (Sonopant) and a chief teacher (Dadoji Konddeo). Kanhoji Jedhe and Baji Pasalkar were appointed to train Shivaji in military and martial arts. Shivaji was married to Saibai Nimbalkar in 1640.
Shivaji turned out to be a born leader from a very young age. An active outdoorsman, he explored the Sahayadri Mountains surrounding the Shivneri forts and came to know the area like the back of his hands. By the time he was 15, he had accumulated a band of faithful soldiers from the Maval region who later aided in his early conquests.
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Struggles with Bijapur
By 1645, Shivaji acquired control of several strategic from under the Bijapur Sultanate around Pune – Torna from Inayat Khan, Chakan from FirangojiNarsala, Kondana from Adil Shahi Governor, along with Singhagarh and Purandar. Following his success, he had emerged as a threat for Mohammed Adil Shah who gave the order to imprison Shahaji in 1648. Shahaji was released on condition that Shivaji kept a low profile and kept from further conquests. Shivaji resumed his conquests after Shahaji’s death in 1665 by acquiring the valley of Javali from Chandrarao More, a Bijapuri jaigirdaar. Mohammed Adil Shah sent Afzal Khan, a powerful general in his employ to subdue Shivaji.
The two met in a private rendezvous on November 10, 1659 to discuss terms of negotiation. Shivaji anticipated it to be a trap and he arrived prepared wearing armor and concealing a metal tiger claw.  When Afzal Khan attacked Shivaji with a dagger, he was saved by his armour and Shivaji retaliated by attacking Afzal Khan with the tiger’s claw, mortally injuring him. He ordered his forces to launch an assault on the leaderless Bijapuri contingents. Victory was easy for Shivaji in the Battle of Pratapgarh, where around 3000 Bijapuri soldiers were killed by the Maratha forces. Mohammed Adil Shah next sent a larger army under the command of General Rustam Zaman who faced Shivaji in the Battle of Kolhapur. Shivaji secured victory in a strategic battle causing the general to flee for his life. Mohammed Adil Shah finally saw victory when his general Siddi Jauhar successfully sieged the fort of Panhala on September 22, 1660. Shivaji recaptured the Fort of Panhal later in 1673.
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Conflicts with the Mughals
Shivaji’s conflicts with the Bijapuri Sultanate and his continuous victories brought him under the radar of Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb. Aurangzeb saw him as a threat to expansion of his imperial intent and concentrated his efforts on eradicating the Maratha threat. Confrontations began in 1957, when Shivaji’s generals raided and looted Mughal territories near Ahmednagar and Junnar. However, Aurangzeb’s retaliation was thwarted by arrival of rainy season and battle for succession back in Delhi. Aurangzeb directed Shaista Khan, Governor of Deccan and his maternal uncle, to subdue Shivaji. Shaista Khan launched a massive attack against Shivaji, capturing several forts under his control and even his capital Poona. Shivaji retaliated back by launching a stealth attack on Shaista Khan, eventually injuring him and evicting him from Poona. Shaista Khan later arranged multiple attacks on Shivaji, severely reducing his holds of forts in the Konkan region. To replenish his depleted treasury, Shivaji attacked Surat, an important Mughal trading center and looted the Mughal wealth. An infuriated Aurangzeb sent his chief general Jai Singh I with an army of 150,000. The Mughal forces made considerable dent, sieging forts under Shivaji’s control, extracting money and slaughtering soldiers in their wake. Shivaji agreed to come to an agreement with Aurangzeb to prevent further loss of life and the Treaty of Purandar was signed between Shivaji and Jai Singh on June 11, 1665. Shivaji agreed to surrender 23 forts and pay a sum of 400000 as compensation to the Mughal Empire. Aurangzeb invited Shivaji to Agra with an aim to use his military prowess to consolidate Mughal empires in Afghanistan. Shivaji travelled to Agra with his eight year old son Sambhaji and was offended by Aurangzeb’s treatment of him. He stormed out of the court and an offended Aurangzeb placed him under house arrest. But Shivaji once again used his wit and cunning to escape the imprisonment. He feigned severe illness and arranged for baskets of sweets to be sent to temple as offerings for prayer. He disguised as one of the carriers and hid his son in one of the baskets, and escaped on August 17, 1666. In subsequent times, Mughal and Maratha hostilities were pacified to a large extent by constant mediation through Mughal Sardar Jaswant Singh. Peace lasted till 1670, after which Shivaji launched an all-out offense against the Mughals. He recovered most of his territories sieged by the Mughals within four months.
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Relationship with The English
Initial days of his reign, Shivaji maintained cordial relationships with the English till they supported the Bijapuri Sultanate in a confrontation against him in the capture of Fort of Panhala in 1660. So in 1670, Shivaji moved against the English in Bombay for them not selling him war material. This conflict continued in 1971, when again the English refused their support in his attack of Danda-Rajpuri, and he looted the English factories in Rajapur. Numerous negotiations between the two parties to come to term failed and the English did not lend their support to his endeavors.
Coronation and Conquests
After having consolidated a considerable control over territories adjoining Poona and Konkan, Shivaji decided to adopt a Kingly title and establish the first Hindu Sovereignty in South, that was till now dominated by Muslims. He was crowned the King of Marathas on June 6, 1674, at Raigadh in an elaborate coronation ceremony. The Coronation was officiated by Pandit Gaga Bhatt in front of a gathering of around 50,000 people. He took upon several titles like Chhtrapati (paramount sovereign), Shakakarta (founder of an era), Kshatriya Kulavantas (head of Kshatriyas) and Haindava Dharmodhhaarak (one who uplifts the sanctity of Hinduism).
Post-coronation, the Marathas under Shivaji’s directives launched aggressive conquest efforts to consolidate most of the Deccan states under the Hindu Sovereignty. He conquered Khandesh, Bijapur, Karwar, Kolkapur, Janjira, Ramnagar and Belgaum. He captured forts at Vellore and Gingee, controlled by the Adil Shahi rulers. He also came to an understanding with his step-brother Venkoji over his holdings over Tanjavur and Mysore. What he aimed at was to unify the Deccan states under the rule of a native Hindu ruler and protect it from outsiders like the Muslims and Mughals.
Under his reign, the Maratha administration was established where Chhatrapati was the supreme sovereign and a team of eight ministers were appointed to oversee the proper enforcement of various policies. These eight ministers reported directly to Shivaji and were given a lot of power in terms of execution of policies formulated by the King. These eight ministers were –
(1) The Peshwa or Prime Minister, who was head of general administration and represented the king in his absence.
(2) The Majumder or the Auditor was responsible for maintain the financial health of the kingdom
(3) The PanditRao or Chief Spiritual Head was responsible for overseeing the spiritual well-being of the kindom, fix dates for religious ceremonies and oversee charitable programs undertaken by the king.
(4) The Dabir or Foreign Secretary was entrusted with the responsibility of advising the king on matters of foreign policies.
(5) The Senapati or Military General was in charge of overseeing every aspect of the military including organization, recruitment and training of soldiers. He also was the strategic advisor of the king in the time of a war.
(6) The Nyayadhish or Chief Justice saw formulations of law and their subsequent enforcement, civil, judicial as well as military.
(7) The Mantri or Chronicler was responsible for keeping elaborate records of everything the king did in his daily life.
(8) The Sachiv or Superintendant was in charge of royal correspondence.
Shivaji vigorously promoted the use of Marathi and Sanskrit in his court instead of Persian, the existing Royal language. He even changed the names of the forts under his control to Sanskrit names to accent his Hindu rule. Although Shivaji himself was a devout Hindu, he promoted tolerance for all religion under his rule. His administrative policies were subject-friendly and humane, and he encouraged liberty of women in his rule.He was strictly against caste discrimination and employed people from all caste in his court. He introduced the Ryotwari system eliminating the need for middlemen between farmers and the state and collecting revenues directly from the manufacturers and producers. Shivaji introduced the collection of two taxes called the Chauth and Sardeshmukhi. He divided his kingdom into four provinces, each headed by a Mamlatdar. Village was the smallest unit of administration and the head was titled as Deshpande, who headed the Village Panchayat. Shivaji maintained a strong military force, built several strategic forts to secure his borders and developed a strong naval presence along the Konkan and Goan coasts.
Demise and Legacy
Shivaji died at the age of 52 on April 3, 1680, at the Raigad Fort, after suffering from a bout of dysentery. A conflict of succession arose after his death between his eldest son Sambhaji and his third wife Soyrabai on behalf of her 10-year old son Rajaram. Sambhaji dethroned the young Rajaram and ascended the throne himself on June 20, 1680.the Mughal-Maratha conflicts continued after Shivaji’s death and the Maratha glory declined greatly. However it was reclaimed by young Madhavrao Peshwa who reclaimed Maratha glory and established his authority over North India.

छत्रपती शिवाजी महाराज – Shivaji Maharaj History in Marathi

Shivaji Maharaj History in Marathi
भारत देशानं आपल्या हृदयात अनेक विरपुत्रांच्या यशोगाथा कित्येक शतकांपासुन जतन केलेल्या आहेत हे विरपुत्र आपल्या पावन भुमीत जन्माला आले हे आपले केवढे सौभाग्य!
या महान विभुतींच्या विरगाथा ऐकतांना अंगावर रोमांच उभे राहातात आणि त्यांच्या काळात आपण जन्माला आलो असतो आणि त्यांच कर्तृत्व जर डोळयांनी पाहाता आले असते तर! असा विचार मनाला स्पर्शुन जातो . . . .
असे हे विर आणि अश्या त्यांच्या विरकथा . . . .
आपल्या महाराष्ट्रात असाच एक शक्तीशाली, निष्ठावान, पराक्रमी राजा होउन गेला.
त्याच्या जन्माला येण्यानं आणि त्याच्या जाज्वल्य पराक्रमानं इतिहास घडवला आणि त्याचे नाव त्या पानांमधे सुवर्णाक्षरांनी कोरले गेले ते आज पर्यंत तसेच आहे आणि येणा.या काळात देखील तसेच जीवंत राहाणार आहे.
ते आहेत प्रौढ प्रताप पुरंदर . . . क्षत्रीय कुलावंतस् . . . सिंहासनाधिश्वर . . . . महाराजाधिराज श्री छत्रपती शिवाजी महाराज!!!

छत्रपती शिवाजी महाराज – Shivaji Maharaj History in Marathi

Shivaji Maharaj
Shivaji Maharaj

छत्रपती शिवाजी महाराज यांची महिती – Shivaji Maharaj Information in Marathi

नाव (Name)शिवाजी शहाजी भोसले (shivaji maharaj)
जन्म (Birthday)19 फेब्रुवारी 1630 शिवनेरी (Shiv Jayanti)
मृत्यु (Death)3 एप्रील 1680 रायगढ
राज्याभिषेक (Rajyabhishek)6 जुन 1674 रायगढ
वडीलांचे नाव (Father Name) शहाजीराजे मालोजी भोसले
आईचे नाव (Mother Name)जिजाबाई शहाजी भोसले
शिवाजी महाराजांच्या पत्नींची नावे
(Wife Name)
सईबाई निंबाळकर
मुलांची नावे (Children Name)संभाजी, राजाराम,सखुबाई,
रानुबाई, राजकुंवरबाई, दिपाबाई,
कमलाबाई, अंबिकाबाई.

चला तर जाणुया छत्रपती शिवाजी महाराज यांच्या जीवनाची कहाणी – Shivaji Maharaj Story in Marathi

महाराज म्हणजे निश्चयाचा महामेरू . . . बहुतजनांसी आधारू . . . .अखंडस्थितीचा निर्धारू असे श्रीमंत योगी रयतेचा हा राजा . . . . . जाणता राजा ज्या शतकात जन्माला आला त्या इ.सन 1627 दरम्यान संपुर्ण भारतावर मुगलाचे अधिपत्य होते.
उत्तरेला शहाजहान, विजापुर ला मोहम्मद आदिल शहा आणि गोलकोंडयाला सुलतान अब्दुल्ला कुतुब शहा यांचे शासन होते. समुद्र किनारे पोर्तृगिजांच्या ताब्यात होते.
आदिलशहाच्या सेनेत शहाजीराजे भोसले उच्च पदावर कार्यरत होते . . . . .1630 ला जुन्नर जवळ शिवनेरी गडावर जिजाबाईंच्या पोटी महाराज जन्माला आले, शिवाई देवीच्या नावावरून महाराजांचे ’’शिवाजी’’ असे नामकरण करण्यात आले.
पहिली गुरू आई आणि दुसरे गुरू दादोजी कोंडदेव यांच्या सानिध्यात आणि संस्कारांमधे महाराजांचे बालपण अतिशय उत्तम रितीने गेले. दादोजींनी त्यांना युध्दकौशल्यात आणि नितीशास्त्रात पारंगत केले.
जिजाबाई महाराजांना राम कृष्णाच्या, शुरविरांच्या गोष्टी सांगुन त्यांच्यावर उत्तम संस्कार तर करतच होत्या त्या शिवाय तलवारबाजी, घोडयावर स्वार होणे यात त्यांना तरबेज करत होत्या.
साम्राज्याला स्थापीत करण्याकरता किल्यांचे काय महत्व आहे याची महाराजांना नेमकी जाण असल्यामुळे वयाच्या अवघ्या 15 व्या वर्षी त्यांनी तोरणा, चाकण आणि कोंढाणा किल्ले स्वतःच्या ताब्यात घेतले.
आबाजी सोनदेवांच्या मदतीने मुल्ला अहमदच्या ताब्यात असलेले ठाणे, कल्याण आणि भिवंडीच्या किल्ल्यावर ताबा मिळवला.
यामुळे आदिलशाही साम्राज्याला हादरे बसु लागले . . . महाराजांवर लगाम लावण्याकरता त्यांच्या वडिलांना बंदी बनविण्यात आले . . . . पुढे जवळ जवळ 7 वर्ष महाराजांनी आदिलशहावर थेट आक्रमण केले नाही.
तो काळ त्यांनी त्यांची सेना (संख्याबळ) वाढवण्यात आणि इतरांसोबत संबध दृढ करण्यावर खर्च केला.

शिवाजी महाराजांचे किल्ले – Shivaji Maharaj Fort

शिवनेरी किल्ला, रायगड, प्रतापगड, सिंधुदुर्ग, प्रतापगड, विजयदुर्ग, राजगड, तोरणा, पन्हाळा, पुरंदर, लोहगड, सिंहगड, प्रबलगड, स्वर्णदुर्ग यां सारखे असंख्य किल्ले शिवाजी महाराजांनी स्वराज्याकरता जिंकले आहेत.

शिवाजी महाराजांची आणि अफजलखानाची भेट – Shivaji Maharaj And Afzal Khan Story

शिवाजी महाराजांवर आक्रमण करण्याकरता अफजलखान विजापुर वरून 10000 सैन्य घेऊन निघाला. अफजलखान धाडधिप्पाड शरिरयष्टीचा होता, महाराजांना डिवचण्याकरता त्याने रस्त्यात अनेक मंदिरे उध्वस्त केली, अनेक निरपराध लोकांचा बळी घेतला.
पण महाराजांनी आतातायी पणाने निर्णय न घेता त्याच्या सोबत छापामार पध्दतीने युध्द करत राहिले.
कंटाळुन अखेरीस अफजलखानाने महाराजांना मारून टाकण्याच्या इराद्याने भेटीचे आमंत्रण पाठवले. प्रतापगडाच्या पायथ्याशी एका आलिशान शामियान्यात ही भेट ठरली.
महाराजांना पाहाताच त्याने गळाभेटीकरता महाराजांना आमंत्रित केले आणि त्या क्षणी महाराजांना संपवुन टाकण्याची मनोमन योजना देखील आखली.
महाराज अफजलखानाला पुरते ओळखुन होते, गळाभेट होताच त्याने महाराजांना आपल्या काखेत धरले आणि वार करण्याच्या तयारीत असतांना महाराजांनी तत्क्षणीच त्याचा कावा ओळखुन वाघनखांच्या सहाय्याने अफजलखानाचा कोथळाच बाहेर काढला . . . .
महाराजांपेक्षा दुप्पट शरीरयष्टीचा अफजलखान क्षणात जमिनीवर कोसळला.
औरंगजेबाच्या व्यवसायी केंद्रांवर आक्रमण
1664 साली शिवाजी महाराजांनी मुघलांचे व्यवसायी केंद्र सुरतेवर आक्रमण करून त्याला नेस्तनाबुत केले यामुळे औरंगजेब प्रचंड चिडला आणि सेना नायक मिर्जा राजा जयसिंग ला दिड लाख सैन्यासोबत महाराजांवर आक्रमण करण्याकरता पाठवले या युध्दात शिवाजी महाराजांना हार पत्करावी लागली आणि त्यांना आपले 23 किल्ले आणि 4 लाख मुद्रा नुकसान भरपाई म्हणुन द्यावी लागली.
9 वर्षीय संभाजी ला घेउन महाराजांना औरंगजेबाच्या दरबारी आग्य्राला जावे लागले. महाराजांवर नियंत्रण ठेवण्याकरता सुरूवातीला त्यांना औरंगजेबाच्या दरबारात मोठे पद देण्याचे कबुल करण्यात आले पण प्रत्यक्ष तेथे पोहोचल्यानंतर महाराजांना मोगलांच्या दरबारी नजरकैद करण्यात आले त्यावेळी औरंगजेबाला माहिती देखील नव्हते की त्याची ही चुक त्याला चांगलीच महागात पडणार आहे.
मिठाईच्या पेटा.यात बसुन त्यांनी आपली आणि बाळ संभाजीची सुटका करून घेतली मथुरा . . . काशी . . . गया. . . पुरी . . . गोलकोंडा . . . विजापुर मार्गे ते रायगढावर पोहोचले . . . . .
पुढे महाराजांनी अनेक युध्द करत आपला बराच भाग मुघलांच्या ताब्यातुन परत मिळवला 1671 ते 1674 या काळात औरंगजेबाने शिवाजी महाराजांना परास्त करण्याचे बरेच प्रयत्ने केलेत पण तो पुर्णतः असफल ठरला.

शिवाजी महाराजांचा राज्याभिषेक – Shivaji Maharaj Rajyabhishek

अखेर तो दिवस उजाडला ज्यांची सर्वजण आतुरतेने वाट पाहात होते . . . .6 जुन 1674 ला गागाभट्ठ यांनी हिंदु परंपरेनुसार अनेक ज्येष्ठांच्या आणि श्रेष्ठांच्या उपस्थितीत शिवाजी महाराजांना राज्याभिषेक केला . . . संपुर्ण रायगड त्या दिवशी एखाद्या नवरीसारखा सजवण्यात आला होता.
महाराज केवळ शुर आणि युध्द निपुणच नव्हते तर ते एक उत्तम प्रशासक देखील होते.
धर्माच्या नावाखाली त्यांनी कधीही कुणासोबत पक्षपात केला नाही . . .त्यांच्या दरबारातील काही अधिकारी आणि अंगरक्षक मुस्लिम देखील होते . . . त्यांनी कधीही कुठल्याही स्त्रिचा अनादर केला नाही इतकेच नाही तर युध्दात हरलेल्या शत्रुच्या स्त्रियांना देखील सन्मानपुर्वक परत पाठवत असत.

शिवाजी महाराजांचे निधन – Shivaji Maharaj Death

पुढे 3 एप्रील 1680 मधे प्रकृती अस्वास्थ्यामुळे त्यांची तब्येत खालावत गेली आणि रायगढावर त्यांनी अखेरचा श्वास घेतला.
नरपती . . .हयपती . . .गजपती। गडपती . . . भुपती . . .जळपती . . . पुरंदर आणि शक्ति पृष्ठभागी।।
यशवंत . . .किर्तीवंत . . .सामथ्र्यवंत। वरदवंत . . पुण्यवंत . . .नितीवंत . . . जाणताराजा।।
आचारशील . . .विचारशील . . दानशील। धर्मशील सर्वज्ञपणे सुशील। सकळाठाई।।
एक उत्तम शासक, एक उत्तम राजा, मराठा साम्राज्याचा महामेरू, छत्रपती शिवाजी महाराज कायम प्रत्येक भारतियाच्या मनात घर करून आहेत.


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